How To Choose The Right Colorbond Roofing Colour?


Ever wondered why roofing is a crucial aspect of your house? Because it protects you & your loved ones from the external elements while adding aesthetic value to your property. That is why you should consider your roof first whenever you think of renovating your building. And when it comes to roofing, especially in Australian homes, nothing can surpass the charm of colorbond roofing.

You may already know that colorbond roofing is lightweight, durable and heavy-duty steel that gives a stylish look to your property. Besides, it can withstand the varied harsh climatic conditions in Australia. Therefore, it has long been popular for Australian homes and buildings.

Another advantage of colorbond roofing is that it comes in a range of colour options. However, the more options you have, the more difficult it becomes to make the right choice.

While choosing between colorbond roof colours is entirely subjective, certain factors can help you make the right decision. But is it important to choose the right colorbond roofing colours for your house?

Why Is Choosing The Right Colorbond Roof Colour Important?

Experts at roof restoration Melbourne give several reasons why choosing the right roof colours matters:

1. Because It Impacts The Outdoor Charm Of Your Property

Did you know your roof accounts for nearly 40% of your property’s overall curb appeal? Remember, it’s the external appearance of your house that visitors will see first.

To wow them or make that first and lasting impression, paint your roof with the right colour. Not only this but choosing the right colour will also increase the resale value of your property. This will ultimately help you if you plan to sell your house ever.  

2. Because It Affects The Temperature Inside Your House

Now, this may sound unfamiliar, yet it’s true and significant. The hue or colour of your roof can either increase or decrease the temperature inside your house. This is because every colour reacts differently to sunlight.

Your roof colour either absorbs or reflects the sun’s heat. Lighter-coloured roofs reflect the sun’s rays, keeping your home’s internal temperature colder by a few degrees. For example, Dover White is ideal for keeping your home cooler in summer. As a result, your air conditioning system operates more efficiently and consumes less power. This further drives down your electricity bills.

Contrary to this, dark-coloured roofs absorb the sun’s heat and tend to increase the temperature inside your home. This causes your cooling system to work harder, thereby increasing your electricity bills.

3. Because It Affects How You Feel

Colour psychology is something almost everyone is aware of. It is a universal fact that colours can make us feel a certain way. It can help us relax, calm, excited, happy, and even sad.

Hence, you must choose a roof colour that invokes the right emotions, as it will be the first to greet you as you come home.

4. Because It Works For Your Property

Colours are perfect for creating optical illusions. For example, if you’ve got a smaller house, selecting light colours can make it look bigger.  

Similarly, choosing darker colours can hide minor, non-structural imperfections, like not having enough furniture.

Factors To Consider When Choosing The Right Colorbond Roofing Colours

Now that you know why choosing the right roof colour matters, consider these factors for making the right decision:

1. Location of Your Property 

This is a significant factor in selecting your home’s ideal Colorbond roofing colours. Sunlight’s characteristics vary in different regions and affect the colours. While the northern sunlight is cooler with a bluish shade, the southern sunshine has a bit warmer and reddish hue.

As such, the look of the roof colour in the Northern regions may not be the same as in the Southern. So, if you live in a city in the Southern region, you can go for brown, orange, and red roof colours. Similarly, homes in the northern cities can benefit from blue to grey hues.

Further, your choice of colorbond roofing colours should also consider whether you live in a rural, urban or coastal area.

  • Rural Areas: Use earthy tones to blend into your green and bushy surroundings.
  • City/Suburban Areas: Use striking colours on contemporary houses. Consider using more traditional colours, such as Manor Red, for homes with a heritage feel.
  • Coastal Areas: Use reflective colours that enhance the water and sand environment.

To know more, refer to the official site of Colorbond: 

2. Physical Appearance of Your Property

When it comes to a home’s appearance, the roof is a significant feature as it is one of the largest fixed components. Hence, the style and slope of the roof, and the home’s location, should all be considered.

The type of roof style also affects the overall impression of the property. For instance, a steep gabled roof has a stronger visual impact than a skillion roof. Hence, you must choose a roof colour that complements the overall physical structure of your home.

3. Permanent Fixtures

Besides your home’s style, there may be design elements that are there to stay, such as wood, brick, or cement. It’s important to consider these when selecting a colorbond roofing colour that complements them. For example, if your home has brick accents, a brown roof colour may work well.

For homes with fibre cement siding, green, blue, or red roof colours may be a good match. If your home features wood or log designs, black, grey, brown, or green could be ideal.

4. Paint Of Your House

Another important factor to consider is the colour of your home. Here are certain points you can follow:

  • If your house is painted in beige to cream hues, roof colours, including black, brown, grey, and blue, are the best.
  • A brown house can be paired with black, green, brown, and grey roof colours.
  • A white house can match any roof colour.

5. Personal Preference

Choosing a roofing colour is a personal decision because colours have an impact on our mood and mindset. It’s not worth going for a beige colour if it doesn’t excite you about your property.

The key is to select colours that you enjoy. With a variety of colour choices out there, you are likely to find options that complement your property’s look.

6. HOA Restrictions

If you are living in a subdivision governed by either an Architectural Review Committee or a Homeowner’s Association, you may have limited roof colour options. Most of these associations have pre-determined colour choices residents of these areas should stick to.

Hence, you must check the regulations before painting your roof. Failing to abide by the subdivision rules may cause you to pay penalties.

What Is The Most Popular Colorbond Colour?

There are three primary categories of Colorbond roofing colours—contemporary colours, matt colours, and classic colours. Here are the colour options that fall under these categories:

  • Contemporary Colour Group: Dune, Gully, Basalt, Evening Haze, Ironstone, Monument, Jasper, Wallaby, Surfmist, Windspray, and Shale Grey.
  • Classic Colour Group: Cottage Green, Manor Red, Classic Cream, Deep Ocean, Pale Eucalypt, Woodland Grey, Night Sky, and Paperbark.
  • Matt Colour Group: Monument, Dune, Basalt, Shale Grey, and Surfmist.

Of these colour categories, Dark Brown and Deep Ocean are among the top roofing colour choices in Australia.

The Takeaway

With the number of colour options available and the factors you have to consider, selecting the right roof colour can be confusing.

Do you know what’s scarier? Choosing the wrong roof colour may cost you a lot. But don’t worry! If you want to make sure that you choose the right roof colour, it is best to seek the assistance of experts.

Find a roof restoration Melbourne specialist who can help evaluate your roof by determining which colour will best suit your needs. They will assess your roof’s condition and detect if there are areas that need to be repaired before painting. A roofing expert will ensure that all your roofing needs are in safe hands.

So, if still in doubt about choosing the perfect colorbond roofing colour, contact a nearby roofing expert!