Top Tips For Fitting Working Out Into A Tight Schedule


People use lack of time as the main excuse for not working out, but if you think of how many hours you have in the day, how many of the hours are you truly productive? We’re awake during the day for an average of 16 hours a day and working out would only require around an hour of your time which leaves the other 15 for whatever else you need to do. Understandably, unexpected events may arise but they shouldn’t affect your health as a result. There are plenty of ways that you fit exercise into your schedule so here are some ways you can achieve just that.

Make The Most Of The Daytime

It’s no coincidence that everyone loves a good lie-in in your warm cosy bed as you relax on your phone or just have a nice relaxing nap. But it can also be rather time-consuming because before you know it, you’ve ended up lying in for an extra 2 hours and now your day’s completely gone! For this reason, it’s much better to make the effort to wake up earlier and start your day with a workout. This will mean that you need to get an earlier night’s sleep, but it will be much better for your physical and mental wellness. It will be difficult to roll out of bed, but once you have put in the work and finished your session, you can start your day with a positive attitude!

Consider Lunch Time Workouts

Employees who work over 6 hours or more are entitled to at least a half-hour lunch break during their shift, which can be used to your liking! That provides you with some time to fit in a quick workout. This can be handy if you work at a desk job too because you’ll be able to eat your lunch whilst you work rather than using up your lunchtime for it. Some even have the privilege of having a gym at their offices, so take a gym bag with you and get a sweat on during your lunch break. It makes it far easier to work knowing that the gym is a convenient distance away too.

Stick To a Schedule

A great way to fit in plans during your day is to stick to a schedule. Although unexpected plans can arise throughout the day, knowing your plans ahead of time can make it easier to reschedule when you have it on your calendar. The same should also go for your workout time too. Fit it into your calendar so you know when you’re due a workout and you can benefit from sticking to your schedule. Being productive at the gym can also be beneficial to your work as it can help you to have more energy throughout the day. Think of your workout time as an important meeting. You wouldn’t skip that at work so don’t do the same when you need to go to the gym.

Avoid The Elevator And Take The Stairs

Even low intensity workouts can be extremely beneficia for your health when done consistently. If you need to go up a few floors to get to your destination, choose to take the stairs rather than the privilege of taking an elevator. It’s not going to save you a great amount of time whichever route you decide, so take the healthier route instead. Of course, if you have items to carry or you’re carrying an injury take the elevator by all means. But if you’re fit and healthy make these small changes throughout your day to gain that little extra exercise and the sense of achievement in your day. Before you know it, you might end up wearing walking shoes to work because you’re so used to it.

Follow Workouts At Home

If you genuinely have periods where work is taking over your life, leaving you coming home at late hours and heading into work at early doors then it’s completely understandable to not have time to go to the gym. If you consider the time it takes to pack your bag, get changed into your gym gear and then travel to the gym it can easily take up quite a bit of time during your day. However, there are plenty of online videos and apps available for follow-along workouts to do at home. How about if you have kids? No problem. They always have bags of energy to give you that extra push and you can easily include them in your workout or workout when they’re ready to nap. In doing workouts at home, it can easily save you a good 20-30 mins.

Bottom Line 

To conclude., if you feel as though you don’t have the time to work, you need to make the time. Fitness is more than a temporary goal, it should be a lifestyle addition, even if you commit just 30 minutes a day. Cardiovascular health is crucial in the event of a medical emergency hence why maintaining good fitness levels is essential at all stages of life. For example, if you have considered plastic surgery, you will not be permitted to have surgery without a staple level of physical health, with weight being the biggest deciding factor. Find small moments to workout daily, and you will see huge benefits in the long term.